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The Lawrence Firm Blog

The devastation of a birth injury affects the entire family

Over the past three weeks, we have discussed three serious birth injuries that can have a long-lasting impact on a baby. Those three birth injuries were meconium aspiration syndrome, fetal distress, and acardiac twin syndrome. While these conditions don’t automatically mean harm to a baby, without proper medical management, they can be devastating. When they aren’t managed properly, parents might find themselves in an uphill battle fighting for their child.

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Can fetal distress lead to birth injuries?

In last week’s blog post, we discussed meconium aspiration syndrome. As noted in that post, there are several conditions that can lead to that condition. One of those conditions is fetal distress during pregnancy; however, meconium aspiration syndrome isn’t the only condition that can be caused when a fetus is distressed. Our readers in Kentucky might like to learn a little bit about fetal distress and how it affects the

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Birth Injury Profile: Meconium Aspiration Syndrome

A perfect, peaceful birth is the dream of most women, but that isn’t the reality for all women. Some women find that their birth experience is complicated and difficult. For some women, the presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid is one event that might lead to stress. When that happens, meconium aspiration syndrome might affect the baby. In some cases, this can be considered a birth injury, especially when

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Top birth injuries reported in Kentucky

After having a child and finding that the child was injured in some way during the process, you need to look into all of the information relating to what happened, what rights you have and all of your options. A good place to start is by taking a look at some of the more common causes of birth injuries that are reported so that you can see if your situation

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Birth Injury Profile: Uterine Ruptures in Vaginal Births

For pregnant women who have already had a Caesarean section previously, the desire to have a vaginal birth is sometimes present. It is important for these women to know that vaginal birth after C-section, or VBAC, doesn’t come without risks, but the doctor overseeing the case should make sure that the risks aren’t so great that the woman or baby will suffer injury. In about 25 percent of women who

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Risk of birth injury higher at military hospitals

Kentucky military members may want to look at their health care options when they or their significant others become pregnant. Even though military hospitals assist in the labor and delivery of at least 50,000 babies every year, these babies face double the risk of suffering from a birth injury when compared to civilian hospitals. Expectant mothers face higher than average rates of complications, including hemorrhaging. If the mother is required

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Cerebral palsy: Maximizing the potential of patients

Cerebral palsy is a disorder that is caused when a person’s brain suffers from some sort of injury while it is still developing. This disorder can come with a host of problems for the patient, including difficulty walking, muscle stiffness, trouble eating, tremors, delays in motor skills, and more, according to the Mayo Clinic. For one boy who was born with cerebral palsy, his fight to do things like any

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Teen Finds Interesting Way to Raise Awareness for Cerebral Palsy

When a baby is born with a birth injury, the entire family, including older siblings, can be affected by the diagnosis. For some families, the effects of the birth injuries aren’t really anything more than a challenge to overcome. For one family, a diagnosis of periventricular leukomalacia has brought the family together. Kentucky and Ohio residents might like to read about how a devastating diagnosis turned into a heartwarming story.

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Expectant mothers should know about induction risks

For a woman who is getting close to her due date during pregnancy, every single muscle twitch in the abdominal area is scrutinized. By that point, the big question at every doctor’s visit is trying to find out when the baby will make an appearance. For some women, the discomfort and just still being pregnant might lead them to try to get induced. While some medical professionals might be willing

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Kentucky hospital botches episiotomy, leaves woman flatulent

Many women who have children assume that they will be able to return to work without any health problems after they have healed from childbirth. In most cases, that expectation is valid, and the woman returns to work when she is released to do so. There are some instances, however, in which the new mother is unable to return to work. For one opera singer, a botched episiotomy is causing

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2009 birth injuries determined to be a hospital’s fault

Kentucky parents may be interested to learn of a Dec. 23 settlement that was awarded to the family of a 4-year-old who suffered permanent disabilities as a result of his birth injuries. The Pennsylvania jury determined that the plaintiffs should receive a sum of $55 million after their child suffered serious birth injuries because a doctor failed to take appropriate actions during delivery. The boy now suffers from cerebral palsy

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Medical malpractice in autism-labor link?

Kentucky doctors might be looking closely at research showing a link between induced labor and autism. As in cases of birth injury, later developmental difficulties like autism may be ascribed to malpractice if doctors make the decision to induce. The study examined the North Carolina Detailed Birth Record and Education Research databases, finding 5,500 cases of autism spectrum disorder out of about 625,000 live births. Induced labor is frequently chosen

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