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Covington & Cincinnati Bike Accident Attorney

Bicycling has become increasingly popular in Kentucky and other urban areas, with more individuals cycling for both enjoyment and transport. However, not every driver recognizes a biker riders’ right to use the road or even a bicycle lane. An inattentive driver who fails to keep an eye out for bicycles and disrespect bicyclists’ same rights to the road may result in avoidable, sometimes devastating, bike accidents. 

If you were hit by a vehicle while cycling, it is important that you contact a Cincinnati bicycle accident attorney right away to explore all of your legal options. You may be able to receive damages for things like medical bills and lost wages to help in your financial recovery following the accident. A Cincinnati bike accident attorney will have the necessary experience and skills to navigate your personal injury claim, from dealing with an unresponsive insurance provider to filing a lawsuit against the responsible party.

The Lawrence Firm Bicycle accident attorney Cincinnati Kentucky

At The Lawrence Firm, PSC, our top Covington personal injury lawyers genuinely care for your wellbeing and recovery after being in a bicycle accident involving an incompetent or distracted driver. Once an attorney-client relationship is established, we will work tirelessly to obtain compensation on your behalf. We also work on a contingency fee basis and provide our clients with a free case evaluation. Please contact us online or give us a call us at (800) 698-4054 today. 

Kentucky Bicycle Laws

The state of Kentucky lays out several laws and regulations for bicycle travel. According to state law, bike riders have the same traffic laws, rights, and obligations as operators of all other motor vehicles on the road. Motorists are expected to respect bicycles’ right to use the road and allow them adequate space to bike safely. As such, bicyclists must obey traffic signs and signals and proceed to keep riding a bicycle in the same direction that any other driver travels. Bicyclists are also legally obligated to indicate turns to other automobiles using hand signals or signal lamps.

According to Kentucky legislation, when passing bikers, automobiles must maintain a distance of at least three feet apart. Only when there is sufficient room to safely overtake a cyclist may motorists breach the double yellow line. In addition, bike riders must travel as near to the outside shoulder of the road as possible.

The Lawrence Firm Bicycle accident lawyer Cincinnati Kentucky

What Causes a Bike Accident?

Often, bicycle accidents happen because cars are not anticipating them. Bicycles are smaller and narrower than other road transport. When surveying the highways and crossroads for traffic, motorists frequently fail to account for cyclists. While nearing a biker from behind or crossing lanes in front of one, a negligent driver might cause a collision, which is one of many ways many bicycle accidents occur.

Other common causes of bicycle accidents include the following:

  • A car cutting off a bicyclist.
  • Loose gravel, potholes, or damaged pavement
  • An individual in a stationary motor vehicle swinging open a door before checking for incoming cars or bicycle riders.
    • These incidents, known as door accidents or “dooring” are often more common in metropolitan regions where cars are parallel parked.
  • A biker getting sideswiped or forced off the road by a motor vehicle.
  • A motor vehicle collision when attempting to pass a cyclist.

No matter the safety features, abidance to bicycle laws, use of bicycle helmets, or even proper placement of bike lanes, bike accidents are still bound to happen. These causes of bike crashes can result in serious, sometimes debilitating and even fatal injury.

Common Cycling Accident Injuries

Because bikes don’t offer the same safety elements and protections that a typical motor vehicle does, those riding a bicycle are much more exposed to serious injury in car accidents than motorists. This makes people on bikes extremely vulnerable, especially if they are not wearing a bicycle helmet. It is important that all those involved in bicycle accidents seek medical attention immediately after the accident.

The most common types of bicycle crash injuries include superficial soft tissue wounds like scratches, scrapes, road rash, and contusions. Also common are fractured or broken bones, such as the arms, elbows, wrists, and/or collar bones.

In collisions, bikers who don’t wear helmets are much more liable to sustain significant head trauma and neurological impairment.  For example, when a cyclist is flung from their bike or collides with a car, their head might hit the ground or the vehicle, resulting in head injuries, facial injuries, or even traumatic brain injury. They may suffer severe, long-term disability or even wrongful death as a result of this trauma.

The Lawrence Firm Bicycle accident attorney Ohio Kentucky

What Damages are Available in a Bicycle Accident?

If you or a loved one have suffered serious injuries or death as a result of another’s negligence, you need a Kentucky bicycle accident lawyer who specializes in bicycle accident cases and personal injury law. At The Lawrence Firm, our skilled Cincinnati injury lawyers will help you evaluate your losses and damages and seek full financial compensation to help you pay expenses and make adjustments to your living as necessary.

Our bicycle accident lawyers will fight for every penny you are owed, including expenses for:

  • Medical bills, both present and future
  • Lost wages and benefits
  • Loss of earning potential
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Mental anguish
  • Permanent scarring and deformity
  • Damages for wrongful death, if applicable

How Much Compensation Can I Obtain? 

It can be difficult to assess how much compensation one may receive from their personal injury claim without first performing a thorough investigation of the individual case. In order to arrive at a figure, we will consider the following elements in your particular circumstance:

  • Age
  • Mobility
  • Type/extent of injury
  • Treatment required for injury
  • Impact on quality of life
  • Ability to work

We’ll rely on medical staff, expert witnesses, and other reliable resources to determine how much your individual and cumulative losses are worth.

bike accident law firm Ohio

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Kentucky?

Following a cycling accident in Kentucky, there is only a short amount of time granted for injury victims to claim damages. You have exactly one year to bring forth any personal injury claims process in court, according to Kentucky Revised Statutes § 413.140. It is critical that this statute of limitations is honored, because should you submit your claim once the statute of limitations has expired, your economic restitution possibilities are severely limited if at all recoverable. 

Whenever a vehicle is involved in a Kentucky biking accident, Kentucky law could prolong the statute of limitations for up to two years after the moment of the collision or your most recent PIP or No-Fault payout. All things considered, the best thing you could do would be to provide the experienced attorneys at The Lawrence Firm enough advance as possible so that we can assist you in meeting all of your case’s deadlines.

Please do not wait to act for the justice and compensation you deserve! Call our Kentucky law office at (859) 578-9130 to speak with our qualified Covington injury lawyers today.

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Ohio?

Just like in Kentucky, injured bicyclists need to file a personal injury lawsuit inside the state of Ohio’s statute of limitations. Here, plaintiffs in bike accidents must file cases and begin seeking compensation within two years of the date of their injuries, according to legislation. Plaintiffs who file a claim more than two years after their accident may have their case rejected by the court. 

There are various exceptions to the two-year limit that may apply in specific circumstances. Cincinnati bicycle accident attorney at our firm will be able to help you on your path to recovery. Call our Ohio law office today at (513) 651-4130 to claim your free case evaluation and begin your personal injury claim process.

bike accident injury attorney Cincinnati

Who is Liable in a Bike Accident?

Another motorist might be to blame for your bicycle collision in numerous situations. They may have been acting carelessly or negligently if:

  • Blind locations were not checked
  • They didn’t check for bikes before opening their door
  • Acted with road rage
  • Turned or changed lanes incorrectly
  • Were driving while preoccupied
  • Were driving while drowsy or fatigued
  • Were drunk driving
  • Were speeding

There may also be multiple parties involved and holding fault in a bicycle accident case. The operator of the automobile that collided with the bike could be held responsible, or several other people or entities may share responsibility. A cyclist failing to stay within their bike lane or designated area or adhere to bicycle laws could even result in them being liable for their own accident. Others that might be held responsible for the accident include:

  • A government agency that fails to fix faulty highways or debris in a timely manner
  • An auto parts maker who produces a faulty part
  • A technician who fails to properly install a part or execute a maintenance test
  • The city, if bike lanes/roadways were badly designed or lacked appropriate signs or signals

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Bike Accident?

It is highly, highly recommended that your hire an attorney from a reputable law firm if you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident. One of the most important reasons to obtain the assistance of an experienced bicycle accident lawyer is to determine who is legally responsible for damages in a bike crash. A skilled bicycle accident attorney will conduct a thorough investigation to help determine fault and build a reliable case on the information provided from your medical reports, police report, any insurance company involvement, what insurance information and plans are available to compensate the injured biker, and more.

If any of the following apply to you, it is in your best interest to hire a bike crash lawyer to ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries:

  1. You have suffered serious injuries as a result of the collision or accident.
  2. Your insurance provider is attempting to decrease your benefits.
  3. Your claim is denied by your insurance carrier.
  4. Blame for the accident is uncertain or pointed towards you.
  5. You have concerns about your settlement or case.
Bicycle Accident personal injury lawsuit in kentucky

Call the Ohio & Kentucky Bicycle Accident Attorneys at The Lawrence Firm for a Free Consultation Today

If you’ve been injured in a Covington or Cincinnati bicycle accident caused by a negligent driver, you should seek compensation from the at-fault party for your injuries as soon as possible. At The Lawrence Firm, your recovery is our first concern, so please allow us to handle the legal aspect of your case while you concentrate all of your energy on getting better. 

For a free, no-obligation consultation with a renowned legal team, call The Lawrence Firm at (859) 578-9130 in Kentucky or (513) 651-4130 in Ohio today.

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You Pay No Fees Unless We Win!

We are happy to offer a free consultation to evaluate your case. If you hire us as your legal counsel, we will represent you on a contingency-fee basis. You will pay no attorneys’ fees unless we recover financial damages.