For pregnant women who have already had a Caesarean section previously, the desire to have a vaginal birth is sometimes present. It is important for these women to know that vaginal birth after C-section, or VBAC, doesn’t come without risks, but the doctor overseeing the case should make sure that the risks aren’t so great that the woman or baby will suffer injury.
In about 25 percent of women who try a VBAC, a C-section is the ultimate outcome, according to the Mayo Clinic. This can lead to significant injuries for the woman. Having a repeat C-section when the woman is already in labor can lead to uterine infection; however, that isn’t the most emergent issue that can arise.
A woman who has a VBAC can sometimes have a uterine rupture. This might necessitate a hysterectomy, which can devastate a woman who was planning on having more children. A uterine rupture can also lead to the baby having brain damage and the woman with heavy bleeding that can be life-threatening if not quickly staunched.
While the risk of a uterine rupture is low — less than 1 out of every 100 women with a low transverse uterine incision have a uterine rupture — it is still a cause for concern. That concern must be carefully considered by medical professionals who must manage the woman’s case in a safe and effective manner to ensure no birth injury occurs.
When a woman going through a VBAC suffers a uterine rupture, there is a chance that medical negligence might have played a part. If it is determined that the uterine rupture could have been prevented via accepted medical practices, the woman might have the option to seek compensation through a birth injury lawsuit.
If you think you may have a Kentucky or Ohio birth injury claim, schedule a free consultation with a Covington or Cincinnati medical malpractice lawyer at The Lawrence Firm, PSC as soon as possible.