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Misdiagnoses may be considered medical malpractice

It goes without saying that the correct diagnosis is often one of the first and most important steps when it comes to successfully treating ailing patients. When Kentucky residents seek medical attention, they place their lives in the hands of doctors and trust that those doctors will provide the best care available. A misdiagnosis may delay life-saving treatment or, in some cases, may mean that the patient receives no treatment at all. Failing to diagnose or misdiagnosing a disease can often be considered medical malpractice.

Recently, a young girl in another state died after she was misdiagnosed with the flu. Reports say that the girl was throwing up and suffering from flu-like symptoms. The girl visited a doctor and was diagnosed with influenza. According to reports, she stayed home for a few days hoping for an improvement in her symptoms, but her condition only worsened. The girl’s family took her for a follow-up doctor visit, and it was discovered that her oxygen levels were low.

The girl was rushed by ambulance to a local medical center. Unfortunately, the girl’s organs soon began shutting down and she eventually died. Her cause of death was listed as a strep blood infection that led to septic shock. Her family alleges that they did not know of the infection and doctors likely misdiagnosed the young girl. Her infection exhibited flu-like symptoms and further testing may have been skipped due to the prevalence of influenza in her state.

Kentucky residents have access to some of the best medical care in the country. Despite significant advancements in care and technology, misdiagnosing diseases still occurs at an alarming rate. When a failure to diagnose or a misdiagnoses results in injury or death, victims and family members may be able to take legal action. A successful medical malpractice lawsuit could provide much-needed financial relief to help families cope with this difficult experience.

Source:, “California Girl Succumbs To Deadly Infection That Was Misdiagnosed As Flu“, Aaron Mamiit, Jan. 10, 2018


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