One of the most joyful experiences in the lives of Kentucky parents is the birth of their child. However, this joyous moment can quickly turn to tragedy and despair when medical malpractice during birth and delivery leaves an infant with permanent injuries. Childbirth is a very delicate procedure that must always be handled with care. Recently, a lawsuit was filed in another state after alleged malpractice during birth left a newborn baby with head injuries.
The lawsuit, filed by the parents, asserts that the mother had to unexpectedly give birth while traveling. According to the suit, the baby suffered internal bleeding in her head during birth, but doctors incorrectly diagnosed it as a subgaleal hemorrhage instead of a cephalohematoma. Tests allegedly showed evidence of a cephalohematoma.
The plaintiffs claim that hospital staff unnecessarily wrapped bandages around the baby’s head that were much too tight. Allegedly, the tightly-wrapped bandages caused pain and severe wounds on her head. The parents claim that their daughter has had to endure several painful reconstructive surgeries and has been permanently disfigured by the alleged negligent treatment.
It is common knowledge that infants are delicate and need special care before, during and after birth. Negligence and mistakes made during the process of birth can cause the child and parents pain and suffering that will last a lifetime. Families in Kentucky that believe they have been affected by medical malpractice may be able to pursue legal action. Financial relief awarded from a successful lawsuit could help families pay medical expenses and other financial losses.
Source:, “Malpractice lawsuit filed against Conemaugh; trial to start Tuesday“, Dillon Richards|, March 19, 2018