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Truck accidents: 1 man dead, state trooper injured on I-71

Interstate highways that crisscross the great state of Kentucky offer a network of convenient roadways that connect cities and business hubs across America. Interstate highways are heavily used by commercial traffic, commuters and out-of-state travelers alike. Today, there are more semitrucks on the road than ever before, due to an increased need to transport goods. Because of this, truck accidents are becoming commonplace on interstates across the country.

A crash on Interstate 71 near Louisville left one person dead and a Kentucky State Police trooper with injuries. The crash happened during the morning hours near mile marker 30. Reports say the trooper had stopped on the shoulder to assist a man with capturing some dogs that were loose along the roadway. As the trooper and the man were walking along the shoulder, reports say a car in the left lane slowed abruptly, causing a box truck and a semi-truck to swerve into the right lane.

According to accident reports, the semitruck collided with the box truck from behind and jack-knifed across the road. The officer fell about 30 feet off a bridge and was injured but is expected to recover. Tragically, authorities say the man that was walking with the officer became pinned under the box truck trailer and died.

Due to their size, semitrucks are harder to stop and maneuver than smaller vehicles. An increasing number of semitrucks are sharing interstate highways with other vehicles, correlating to an increase in truck accidents. Kentucky residents that have suffered injuries or the loss of a loved one in this type of accident have the option to take legal action. A successful lawsuit could result in financial relief to help families with medical expenses and other monetary losses.

Source:, “1 dead, Ky. State Police trooper hurt after Interstate 71 crash“, April 25, 2018


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