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Motorcycle gear: It can save your life

Riding a motorcycle is an enjoyable experience, but only if you safely reach your destination. Since trouble is lurking around every corner, it’s imperative to always prepare for the worst.

The right motorcycle gear will go a long way in keeping you safe in the event of an accident. It can’t prevent every type of injury, but it can definitely reduce the likelihood of a serious injury or fatality.

Here are five pieces of motorcycle gear you should wear every time you jump on your bike in Kentucky:

  • Helmet: If you only wear one piece of gear, it should be a helmet. Not only does it protect your head, but you can also wear one that covers your face. Without a helmet, even a minor accident can cause a serious injury, such as a skull fracture or bleeding on the brain.
  • Gloves: There are many benefits of wearing motorcycle gloves. These allow you to maintain a strong grip on the handlebars, even in wet conditions. They also protect your hands in the event of an accident.
  • Motorcycle jacket: Not only does a motorcycle jacket make you look cool, but it also protects your torso in an accident. If you’re riding in inclement and/or cold weather, a jacket will keep you feeling as comfortable as possible.
  • Motorcycle boots: Your feet are at risk of serious injury when riding a motorcycle. The many small bones in your feet can be crushed in an accident. Boots are also helpful in maintaining traction, such as if you need to stop your bike at a red light.
  • Motorcycle pants: Kevlar or leather pants are an absolute must when riding. Imagine the damage your legs could suffer if you’re in an accident. The right pants won’t protect you against broken bones, but they can do wonders to prevent road rash and serious lacerations.

Unfortunately, even the most advanced motorcycle gear can’t prevent all injuries in an accident.

If you’re injured in a motorcycle accident, move to safety and call 911 for help. The only thing on your mind should be receiving medical treatment at a local hospital.

As you recover, you’ll then have time to file an insurance claim and determine if another party was responsible for causing your crash.


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