It’s impossible to predict if, when, or how you’ll be injured. However, some injuries are more dangerous than they may seem, such as head injuries. In many instances, receiving a blow to the head can cause significant injuries to your brain, even though you may not see any signs of harm or feel pain.
A blow to the head can happen just about anywhere, whether in a car accident, a slip-and-fall or a surprising incident in daily life. Often, these relatively minor injuries go untreated because the victims assume that the event was no big deal.
Any time that you suffer a blow to the head, it is wise to seek a qualified medical professional to give you a full medical examination. Catching a minor brain injury early can help you avoid confusing symptoms and deal with symptoms that do occur more effectively. You may also find that your injury resulted from the actions or negligence of some other party, and you may need to file a personal injury claim to protect your rights and recovery.
Brain injuries affect our ability to communicate
A mild brain injury may seem like something you can simply “walk-off” because these injuries do not always cause pain, but they are much more destructive than you might expect. Victims of minor brain injuries often find that they cannot complete familiar tasks, even if they have easily completed the same task many times before. A minor brain injury can lightly scramble connections in your brain, making it difficult to think clearly and make associations between the information you know and your ability to act on that knowledge.
At the same time, a mild brain injury often causes victims to react to minor frustrations in major ways. Not only can a mild brain injury make it difficult to do work you’ve done many times before, but it can also cause you to react with much more anger than you would otherwise. For many brain injury victims, this change in personality is frightening or confusing for coworkers, employers, family, and friends. If the people around the victim do not understand that these changes are the result of a real injury, the victim may quickly lose their job and damage important personal relationships.
A minor brain injury may also cause you to misunderstand what you read or misinterpret what others say to you. Again, this is much easier to deal with when employers, coworkers, and family understand that these changes are the result of a brain injury, not the result of a victim’s incompetence.
Protect your recovery today
Recovering from a minor brain injury is possible, but it can take months of treatment and care. Once you receive a professional diagnosis, you may need to develop a strong legal strategy to help protect you while you heal. With a strong legal strategy and proper medical care, you can protect your rights while you work toward a full recovery.
If you or a loved one received traumatic brain injuries or any type of head injury due to the negligence of a medical professional, reach out to one of the Ohio medical malpractice lawyers at our Cincinnati injury law firm, The Lawrence Firm, today.