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Truck accident: Truck hits school bus on busy Kentucky highway

An early morning school bus ride gave students a jolt when their school bus was side swiped by a truck on a busy highway recently. The truck accident, on Kentucky 9 AA, happened when a rollback truck, which was carrying gasoline, swerved to miss hitting another truck. It instead slammed into the school bus that was stopped at a stop sign. Minor injuries were reported.

Two children were taken to hospital by a parent, and one was taken by ambulance at the request of a parent. All other kids on the bus were checked over by EMTs and at school by nurses. Some students were picked up by their parents after getting to the school. Police are continuing their investigation.

Any kind of motor vehicle accident can be traumatic, especially those involving large vehicles like trucks. Luckily, in this case, no one appears to have been seriously hurt. Often though, these kinds of crashes can cause serious injuries to both drivers and passengers. In the worst cases, they can cause death.

Kentucky residents who have been injured in a car or truck accident — or any motor vehicle accident — have the right to speak with attorney about pursuing compensation. Being involved in an accident can be life-changing. It may affect a person’s personal and work life.

Those who have been injured in a truck accident would do well to get the opinion of a Kentucky motor vehicle accident attorney. He or she will be able to take the stress out of the situation when it comes to going after financial compensation for things like pain and suffering, increased medical bills, and rehabilitation. By the same token, family members who have lost a loved one in a motor vehicle accident due to the negligence of another driver may be able to sue for their loss.

Source:, “School bus involved in AA accident”, Damon Huff, Sept. 12, 2017


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