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Medical malpractice: Study highlights surgery mistakes

Thanks to regulations and modern technological advancements, surgical procedures in Kentucky these days are safer and more efficient. However, no surgery comes without risk. Mistakes will be made any time humans are involved. Unfortunately, when mistakes are made, the patient will suffer. According to one recent study, a quarter of all medical malpractice claims filed in a four-year period in the United States were connected to surgical procedures.

In total, more than 2,500 completed claims in the United States were examined in the study. In these medical malpractice claims, the study said that surgery was the second most common type. Between 2014 and 2018, surgeries made up about 25 percent of all claims, according to reports. Reportedly, about 30 percent of all surgical injuries were considered significant or permanent, and about 9 percent resulted in death.

Further examining the numbers in the report, about 78 percent of the reviewed claims had to do with the way the surgeon or practitioner performed the procedure. Shockingly, the study said 39 percent of surgeons or physicians involved in the claims did not have the necessary skills needed to perform the procedures, while 17 percent displayed poor clinical judgment. The study highlighted that surgery contributes to a host of serious injuries in the United States.

Unfortunately, injuries or death caused by surgeries are often the result of lack of attention or other preventable mistakes. Those in Kentucky who have suffered injuries or loss due to any form of medical malpractice may want to consider seeking the services of an experienced litigator. Damages from a successful lawsuit could result in much-needed financial relief to help victims and families get through this difficult situation.


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