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Amputated penis leads to hospital malpractice lawsuit

Placing your trust in doctors is something that many people do on a daily basis. Most people trust that the extensive training these medical professionals receive has taught them how to save lives and treat medical conditions without causing more harm to the patient. When any medical professional makes a mistake, it can lead to lasting effects for the patient. When the medical professional makes an error in the operating room, a patient’s life can be forever changed. Kentucky readers might be interested in knowing about a case in which an unauthorized procedure in the operating room has taken away a vital part of the patient’s anatomy.

In a recent hospital malpractice lawsuit, a man is claiming that he went into the operating room for a basic circumcision. Instead of only removing the foreskin of his penis, however, the surgeon amputated the man’s penis. He says that when he woke up after the surgery, he discovered that his penis was gone.

The man and his wife filed the lawsuit against two doctors, the hospital, a medical clinic, and a urology group. He says that he is suffering from extreme pain from the wrongful amputation. His wife is also claiming that she is suffering because of the improper surgical removal of the man’s penis. The hospital is claiming the lawsuit is meritless.

Any patient who has had a body part amputated without consenting to the amputation might choose to exercise their right to seek compensation for the surgical error. Compensation won’t reattach the missing body part, but it might help to ensure that future medical care and accommodations necessitated by the amputation are easier to obtain.

If you or someone you love has been negligently injured or wrongfully killed due to hospital errors, you have the right to obtain compensation through an Ohio or Kentucky medical malpractice claim. For a completely confidential and free consultation regarding your case, call the experienced Cincinnati and Covington medical malpractice attorneys at TLF: The Medical Injury Law Firm today.

Source:  WCPO, “Alabama man claims doctors mistakenly amputated penis” Jul. 24, 2014


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