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Rodriguez drops failure to diagnose lawsuit, focusing on baseball

Playing professional sports is a career that can easily lead to serious injuries. For that reason, players put their trust in team doctors and other medical facilities to diagnose and treat any injuries suffered during the course of play. Kentucky residents who are Yankees fans might be interested in learning about the latest development in Alex Rodriguez’ medical malpractice lawsuit against an orthopedic surgeon and hospital.

For those who aren’t aware, Rodriguez had filed a medical malpractice lawsuit in relation to a hip injury for which he had surgery in January of last year. Rodriguez claims that the doctor’s failure to diagnose a left hip joint tear led to Rodriguez worsening the injury by continuing to play. The injury allegedly occurred in October of 2012.

In the most recent turn of events, Rodriguez has opted to withdraw his lawsuit. While he says that he is doing so solely to remove the distraction of the lawsuit so he can focus on his game, the doctor’s attorney says the withdrawal shows that the baseball player received appropriate care.

Medical malpractice lawsuits are usually very involved. It seems as though Rodriguez didn’t want that type of involvement right now. Instead of continuing to pursue his claims, he opted to just put the situation behind him.

Anyone who has been injured by a doctor’s failure to diagnose a condition has the right to seek compensation for his or her injuries. Knowing how the process works and learning what to expect as you go through the proceedings might help you to make an informed choice about how to proceed with your claims.

If a medical professional failed to diagnose you or someone you love and it led to further injury or death, you have the right to obtain compensation through a Kentucky or Ohio medical malpractice claim. For a completely confidential and free consultation regarding your medical misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose claim, call the experienced Covington and Cincinnati medical malpractice attorneys at TLF: The Medical Injury Law Firm today.

Source:, “A-Rod drops lawsuit against Yankees team doctor” Jennifer Peltz, Jun. 20, 2014


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