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Medical malpractice: Severe infection almost takes girl’s leg

Not many people are aware that negligence in health care is one of the leading causes of death and injury in the United States. Although stringent regulations exist in Kentucky and across the country, thousands of patients are injured or killed each year. A medical malpractice lawsuit was filed against a medical facility in another state after alleged negligence led to a severe infection in a young girl.

It is claimed that the young girl was taken to the facility after cutting her foot while swimming. The family says that, although the cut was fairly deep and the doctor noted the wound was contaminated, no X-rays were ordered. The family claims that the wound was stitched, and the girl was sent home with no oral antibiotics. Allegedly, the very next day the wound became painful and red and the girl began to run a fever. A short time later, the girl was admitted to another medical facility where the stitches were removed and the wound was drained.

Due to the severity of infection, the girl was transferred to a children’s hospital. Allegedly, the infection was so severe that doctors discussed the possibility of a leg amputation with the girl’s family. Doctors were able to save the girl’s leg after multiple surgeries, the suit alleges. The plaintiffs claim that their daughter suffered permanent damage to her nerves and gait and that they have accumulated medical expenses totaling over $100,000 due to the alleged negligence.

Unfortunately, medical malpractice continues to occur despite tougher rules and regulations. Those in Kentucky who have been affected by negligence such as this could benefit from discussions with an experienced attorney. A successfully litigated lawsuit could result in compensation to help with medical expenses accrued as a result of such an experience.

Source:, “Former Wichita Falls emergency room facing malpractice, breach of lease lawsuits“, Patrick Johnston, April 9, 2018


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