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First steps when one suspects medical malpractice

First steps when one suspects medical malpractice

Medical professionals are charged with taking care of their patients, and the majority of Kentucky medical professionals do just that. However, there are times when an individual may wonder if he or she has been properly taken care of. In fact, there are times when an individual may suffer harm or even injury as the result of something that the medical professional did or did not do. When this happens, it is possible that medical malpractice has occurred.

If a patient believes that he or she has suffered at the hands of a medical professional, discussing the matter with the medical professional is the typical first step. It is possible that the individual does not understand the specifics of his/her condition or the specifics of the situation. Additionally, the medical professional may not be aware of how the individual has been affected. It is possible that another form of treatment or additional procedure may resolve the problem.

However, if this discussion does not resolve the problem, it may be time to take further action. The patient may want to contact the appropriate licensing board to make them aware of the problem. This may prompt the medical professional to take another look at the situation in order to resolve it.

Time is an important factor as there is a statute of limitations on medical malpractice claims in the state of Kentucky. When a patient has been injured or harmed by a medical professional’s actions, then it may be time to discuss the matter with legal counsel. After a careful review of the situation, a recommendation can be made regarding how to proceed.


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