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Dentists can also contribute to medical malpractice

Its not uncommon for dentists to be held to different standards than physicians, nurses or other professionals involved in medical treatment. Although modern technology has made dental procedures safer and more efficient, these procedures are often very complicated and require uncanny precision. Most dentists in Kentucky are skilled and experienced professionals, but what happens when dental patients become victims of neglect? Dentists, like other medical workers, can commit medical malpractice.

A recent lawsuit filed by a woman in another state alleges that the negligence of two dentists caused injuries. The lawsuit says the woman experienced pain while chewing and sought treatment from the dentists in the form of a bite adjustment. According to the lawsuit, the woman also received a dental implant.

Allegedly, the implant procedure was botched and caused the woman nerve damage and extreme pain in her lower jaw. The woman claims that her nerve damage is permanent and she will require additional treatment as a result of the alleged negligence. The plaintiff holds the dentists responsible and claims that they failed to correct the implant. The woman seeks damages in excess of $200,000.

In the United States, all dentists are responsible for treating patients with an acceptable level of care, just like other health care providers. When negligence occurs during a dental procedure, patients can be left with permanent injuries and disfigurement. Families in Kentucky who have been affected by any form of medical malpractice could benefit from discussions with a legal representative. Damages awarded in a successful lawsuit could provide financial relief for families and victims facing mounting medical expenses.


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