Medical professionals across the country possess an uncanny ability to heroically and cohesively work together in the face of relentless pressure to save the lives of countless individuals each day across the country. When a person has an illness and is in need of medical treatment or a surgical procedure, doctors and nurses in Kentucky follow established protocols to determine the best course of action to promote the healing, recovery and well-being of the patient. However, health care is a process, and in the heat of the moment, it is possible for steps to be missed during this process. When this happens, the consequences can mean dire outcomes for the patient(s). Recently, a medical malpractice lawsuit was filed in another state after the death of a beloved mother.
The lawsuit says the woman was admitted for a spinal surgery. According to the claim, on the day of the surgery the woman’s white blood cell count was high and continued to rise, a sure sign of an infection. Allegedly, the woman also displayed other risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes and recurring blood cots.
However, the plaintiffs claim the doctors proceeded with the surgery anyway despite these risk factors. After the surgery, the lawsuit says the woman’s condition worsened. The family claims that doctor’s failed to schedule tests, including an MRI that would have shown that the woman had an abscess around her spine. The woman eventually died. The lawsuit alleges her life could have been saved if not for her doctors’ alleged negligence.
Tragically, negligence during medical procedures continues to happen at an alarming rate despite improved patient safety standards. Kentucky families who have been affected by medical malpractice could benefit by consulting an experienced legal representative. A successfully litigated claim could result in substantial compensation to families cope with the pain of such an experience.