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The Lawrence Firm Blog

Birth injuries caused by Kentucky midwives can be serious

If you recall, last week’s blog post was about the mother who won a settlement in a birth injury lawsuit. That post might have some of our Kentucky readers wondering if the injuries their baby suffered during birth would qualify for a settlement. The quick answer to that is that there is no way of knowing unless you have your case evaluated. In some cases, the birth injury might not

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$17.5 million settlement reached in birth injury case

We have often discussed birth injuries and how they can have a devastating effect on the baby and the family members. That is often the driving force when people opt to seek compensation for those birth injuries. One mother who has been fighting for compensation for her son has reached a settlement with the hospital who is liable for the boy’s injuries. The case began in 2007 when the boy

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Swift action is needed in Kentucky medical malpractice cases

Anyone who has suffered harm at the hands of a medical professional has likely wondered at some point if he or she has a claim for medical malpractice. While it isn’t the answer that most people would want, the truth is that not all bad outcomes of medical care would qualify as medical malpractice. Another fact that might shock people is that there is a very short statute of limitations

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Danger of failure to diagnose cancer in transplant recipients

When many people hear the word cancer, they think of a death sentence. The truth of the matter is that many forms of cancer can be successfully treated. The survival rate for 5 years for all forms of cancers is at about 66 percent. For breast, thyroid and prostate cancer, that rate is greater than 90 percent. One of the keys to treating cancer is to start treatment for it

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